יום חמישי, 17 ביולי 2008

Tips in Succeeding in Paid to Click on ptc sites

 Find 5-10 trusted sites that you can visit every day. Look for sites that have a consistent amount of ads every day and have a good history pf paying on time.

. Refer everyone you know to your downline. You can send direct links for friends & family or create a site like mine where they can sign up for the sites they like all in one place. Don't expect everyone to sign up right away but some may sign up later when they see you success.

Send reminder letters to your downline when you can to keep them motivated. No more than once per week though so you don't get annoying.

Help your downline recruit there own downline. This will help keep them motivated.

Keep on clicking! After your downline gets big enough, you may feel you don't need to click anymore as your downline is doing all the work! But remember, you have an upline that is counting on your clicking every day and you should pay it forward.

dont give up, It takes time to develop a strong downline and sticking to it every day is the only way to achieve it.

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